On 24 March 2022, 110 researchers based across Croatia joined the COST Info Day on a dedicated Croatian information session on how to advance careers by proposing or participating in COST Actions.
Opening the event, Mrs Zorana Barišić, NCP Coordinator – Horizon Europe, Department for Preparation, Monitoring and Implementation of Scientific and Technological Programmes, introduced the COST programme and Dr Ronald de Bruin, Director of the COST Association, presented the principles for participating in COST Actions and other initiatives offered to researchers. Several points of entry to the COST programme are possible: researchers can either participate in an Action or join any of the various training or networking activities. Dr de Bruin encouraged the Croatian research community to submit an Action proposal and to have a close look at the 70 new Actions that will be approved at the end of May 2022.
The Director highlighted the existing excellent participation of Croatia in COST Actions, in particular in leadership roles, but invited researchers to continue the effort by sending in more applications to the COST Open Call for proposals.
Following the Director’s presentation, Dr Gordana Kregar, Science Officer at COST, provided further insights about the COST Actions features and structure. Ms Jeanette Nchung Oru, Administrative Officer at COST, presented the financial rules on the supported activities. It is important to stress that COST does not fund research, but a variety of networking activities. Mr Christer Halen, Policy Administrator at COST, presented the COST Open Call for new Action proposals and the rules for participation. Explaining how to submit proposals and detailing the evaluation process.
Researchers and innovators are highly encouraged to submit proposals. At COST, all eligible proposals receive an extensive and valuable feedback which can help unsuccessful proposers to improve their proposal.
Examples from the Croatian research community
COST was jointed by two experienced COST Actions Working Group leaders who shared their journeys and experience with the audience:
Prof Ivor Jankovic, Chair of Action CA19141 – Integrating Neandertal Legacy: From Past to Present, advised future applicants to think beyond national interests and see what can be of interest for a wider number of European scientists and non-scientists.
He also praised Training Schools as a tool to help young researchers acquire new skills in specific aspects of the Action. He also underlined the attraction of a COST Action, having seen his Action grow from 12 countries at proposal to 28 countries at the end of the first year.
Prof Sandra Nakić Radoš, Working Group leader in Action CA18138 – Research Innovation and Sustainable Pan-European Network in Peripartum Depression Disorder, welcomed the opportunities offered by COST to support researchers from Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITCs) to access leadership positions in Actions. She also pointed out the flexibility of COST Actions and support from the COST administration to help reorient Action activities according to scientific developments or external factors, such as the Virtual Networking Tools put in place during the pandemic.
The event concluded with Ms Doris Jozić, COST Coordinator for Croatia, presenting the good Croatian participation results over the last years and highlighted the priorities when applying to an Action’s Management Committee: institutional diversity, gender balance, and the involvement of young researchers. See the attached presentation for further information.
Presentation by the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education