What is a COST Innovators Grant?
The COST Innovators Grant (CIG) is an initiative that aims to build bridges between research and take-up at market, product, service, or societal level. CIGs aim to enhance the pace and success of research breakthroughs and as such, offers ending Actions the possibility to create additional impact during the year after the end of the Action.
COST Innovators Grants have a duration of 12 months and benefit from the same networking activities available to COST Actions.
The Innovators Grant was launched in November 2019 as a pilot scheme and is now a fully established feature for COST under Horizon Europe as part of the COST Strategic Plan.

The COST Innovators Grant aims to enhance the pace and success of research breakthroughs
Eligible Actions are invited to apply by the COST Association
Funding for the COST Innovators Grant is awarded for one year
Eligibility and application process
COST Actions are eligible to apply upon invitation by the COST Association towards the end of their lifetime. The rules for applying are described and accessible in the CIG Guidelines.
The evaluation of CIG applications takes place once a year in two phases: the first one remotely, followed by face-to-face hearings for the top ranked applications. Successful CIG applications are announced following final approval by the Committee of Senior Officials (CSO).
All relevant documents can be found on the Documents and Guidelines page of the COST website, under the COST Innovators Grant section.
COST Innovators Grant approvals
- IG19131: Building a Heritage-Based Knowledge Hub to Empower the Green Transition in Textiles and Fashion (HERITEX-HUB)
- IG19123: Microbial Electrochemical Technology Commercialisation (MET-C)
- IG18213: Future Youth Information for Rural Areas (FYI-R)
- IG18234: Machine learning from computational materials science data for modelling nanocrystal catalysts (NanoCatML)
- IG19113: European certification of interventions in support of second victims (RESCUE)
- IG19145: Artificial intelligence methods for spectral data processing to solve food fraud and authenticity issues (SensAIfood)
- IG18109: Sustaining AGITHAR – building a Global Tsunami Model Association
- IG18128: Sharing Heritage and Archaeological Data Effectively
- IG18125: Technical, commercial and societal innovations on aerogels towards circular economy
- IG18130: AIR particulate reference material for elemental quantification and CALibration procedures
- IG18123: A quality assurance implementation protocol for family support services in Europe. An evidence-based and culturally informed model for professional practice
- IG17111: The Grapevine Genomics Encyclopedia: an innovative portal to integrate knowledge, resources and services for the grape scientific community and industry
- IG17104: Pan-European Educational Platform on Multidrug Resistant Tumours and Personalised Cancer Treatment
- IG16215: European Network for the Dissemination of portable, Low-cost, minimally invasive, EaSy-to-uSe and easily accessible analytical tools to meet the needs of Metal heritage conservation
- IG17121: Faites Vos Jeux! Moving high-resolution in cellulo structural biological of infectious processes from the roulette table to the chess board
- IG16225: IMproving Preclinical Assessment of Cardioprotective Therapies
- IG16210: MINDDS-connect: an innovative data and resource sharing platform for real time analysis of patient meta-cohorts for the neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders
- IG15209: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry for Dairy Products
- IG15210: Software for Transnational Kidney Exchange Programmes
- IG16124: Brillouin Light Scattering Spectroscopy – Biomaterial Database
- IG16125: An Open Access Repository of Pluripotent Stem Cells from Children and Adult’s with Interstitial Lung Disease
2020 -2021
- IG15102: Innovative and sustainable TecHnologies for reducing critical raw mAterials dependence for Cleaner transportation Applications
- IG15104: Industrial Machine Monitoring unplugged network
- IG15114: ePlatform for a “test bed” tool across EU for antimicrobial coating solutions in health care entering to the market
- IG15119: Nanofluids for convective heat transfer devices
Success stories
Click on the success stories below to discover various examples of impact generated by the CIGs