International collaboration is key to strengthening brain capacity in research and innovation. Working together with peers from different geographical locations increases richness of knowledge, reduces repetition in research, and avoids the isolation of research communities.
The COST programme nourishes open and inclusive networks in all scientific domains. It is committed to bringing together all relevant stakeholders who can provide added value to tackle different societal challenges.
COST Actions are open to all participants, not only to COST Full Members but also to peers from around the world. Find out what opportunities are available depending on your location:

Near Neighbour Countries
COST connects with researchers and innovators from the countries neighbouring its Full Members. These countries are known as COST Near Neighbour Countries (NNCs) and include Algeria, Azerbaijan, Belarus*, Egypt, The Faroe Islands, Jordan, Kosovo**, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine***, Russia****, Syria, and Tunisia (marked in green on the map above).
Near Neighbour Country participation in running COST Actions
November 2022 – October 2023
COST aims to double NNC participation in COST Actions by the end of Horizon Europe.
Researchers from NNCs can be involved in a COST Action from the very beginning or join an existing Action. NNC researchers are eligible for reimbursement if they would like to participate in or organise any Action Networking tools. Although researchers coming from an NNC cannot be the main proposer of a new COST Action, they can be part of a proposing network.
Are you located in a Near Neighbour Country and have more questions about your participation in COST Action activities? Then contact our dedicated Near Neighbour Country Correspondents who can support.
COST Partner Members
Any country can apply to become a COST Partner Member. Becoming a Partner Member allows researchers from this country to be nominated to a COST Action’s Management Committee, the decision-making body of an Action, as observers. It also enables them to join Action Working Groups. Partner Members commit to provide funding to reimburse their own researchers involved in Action activities. Currently South Africa is a COST Partner Member.
Rest of the world
COST Actions are open to international cooperation and welcome participation of researchers and innovators from all over the world (see IPC countries marked in orange on the map above). Participation of the international community in COST Action activities has doubled since 2022.
The main difference for participation is funding-related as researchers from other countries in the world need to bear the costs of their participation from other sources.
70 different non-COST countries involved
more than 1000 researchers actively participating
958 WG members from the rest of the world
Secondary proposers from 72 non-COST countries
423 uses of COST Action Networking tools
Statistics refer to the period November 2022 – October 2023
How to join a COST Action as an international researcher?
Researchers and innovators who are affiliated to institutions from non-COST countries can:
Reimbursement of participation is only possible in certain cases (for example if you are based in a NNC or are an invited speaker or trainer). Please check directly with the COST Action with regards to your financial eligibility.
Science diplomacy
Science Diplomacy is the interconnection of scientific, technological, and academic collaborations among regions, countries and societies. It aims to address common issues and to build sound international partnerships. COST Actions provide a coordination mechanism that enables the creation of networks supporting Science Diplomacy through their strong regional relevance and by addressing global challenges and the academic aspects of foreign affairs.
“COST is a wonderful example of science diplomacy”
Fernanda Rollo, Chair of COST Action Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience (SHIFT)
Success stories
Click on the stories below to discover the impact of international collaboration at COST:
Related information:
*As of 2 March 2023 until further notice, measures are taken to suspend cooperation with Belarus for the execution of the COST Actions and COST activities. Among these measures, participation and eligibility of COST Action participants affiliated to a legal entity established in Belarus are suspended for all COST Actions and COST activities.
**This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
***This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.
****As of 6 May 2022 until further notice, measures are taken to suspend cooperation with Russia for the execution of the COST Actions and COST activities. Amongst these measures, participation and eligibility of COST Action participants affiliated to a legal entity established in Russia are suspended for all COST Actions and COST activities.
Related news
- Celebrating the 5th anniversary of the South African-COST partnership
- Expanding scientific frontiers via international cooperation with COST and NSF
- COST meets Near Neighbour Country representatives
- Science for Policy and Science Diplomacy workshops for COST Actions
- COST Action blog: nuclear astrophysicists call for a joint global effort