COST Info-Days reinforcing ITC engagement in science & technology


To promote scientific research and to spread excellence geographically, the COST Association works at actively involving researchers from less research-intensive COST Countries (Inclusiveness Target Countries, ITC). In line with this objective, COST organised two Info-Days this week to help researchers from two countries, Moldova and Hungary, better grasp the programme’s added values as well as its functioning.

“In a nutshell, COST is about providing opportunities for researchers to network with people across the European boundaries and even beyond. This allows to participate freely in networking on top of research projects. “says COST director Dr Ronald de Bruin.

From scientific short-term missions to training schools, the opportunities harvested by the networking tools under the COST programme take all kind of shapes. Through these two events, participants had the occasion to become familiar with these prospects.

Spotlight on the two Info-Days of the week:

Tuesday 16 March – Moldova – High Level Meeting and Info-Day

Moldova recently became a COST member, and this event is already the second COST Info-Day. A high-level meeting was organised on Tuesday morning, together with Dr. Anatolie Topală, Secretary general of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research.

Commenting on COST programme’s impact on the Moldovan’s research landscape, Dr Topala said: “Young researchers experience real progress. There are new research ideas, topics and international projects that are the results of COST participation.”

COST- Moldova Info-Day

Around 110 participants joined this Info-Day, highlighting Moldova’s growing interest into COST’ activities.

COST Science Officer, Dr Deniz Karaca presenting COST and how to participate in a COST Action.

Following the presentations from the COST representatives on the programme’s features and on the participation’s rules, four different COST Actions participants from Moldova took the floor to share their experiences and underline the key benefits the Programme had on their carrier’s and research development. Amongst them, Dr. Zorina Șișcan from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (COST Action on Circular City) stressed the different opportunities offered by COST for professional and personal development.

Wednesday 17 March – Info-Day Hungary

The Info-Day dedicated to Hungarian researcher’s took place the next day, online as well. This event follows the footsteps of the high-level meeting organised with COST on the 09 February.

The Info-Day Hungary was kicked-off with an introductory note from Dr Szabó, Vice President of the National Research, Development and Innovation for info-day Hungary, underlining the added-value of the programme for young scientists.

Screenshot from the COST Info-Day Hungary – With presence of Dr Dr Szabó

This event attracted close to 100 participants from Hungary and followed the same structure as the previous Info-Day.

COST Administrator Science Operations, Mr Christer Halén, presenting on COST Open Call.

Testimonials were shared this time from Ms Ágnes Bakk from Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, STSM coordinator of the Action on Interactive Narrative Design for Complexity Representations. Working on a new type of discipline, Mrs Bakk highlighted that an important milestone for this research networks was the possibility to have its topic moving closer to becoming a new discipline. A process where an umbrella such as a COST Action can play a key role in supporting this legalisation process. Indeed, one of the characteristics of the COST funding is that it is “bottom-up”, giving researchers the freedom to propose any topic.

Strengthening Europe’s research and innovation capacities

Number of COST activities are dedicated to COST Action participants coming from the COST Inclusiveness Target Countries, to support and provide equal opportunities to all.  While focusing on excellence, the inclusiveness feature of the COST Programme acts as a strong pillar to keep engaging the whole research community across countries, generations and gender.


More information

Find the presentations of the Info Day Moldova here

Find the presentations of the Info Day Hungary here

More information on COST participation rules here