
What is PhysAgeNet?

2022 | Action CA20104

A sedentary lifestyle in old age is associated with increased risk of chronic and disabling diseases, premature mortality, and substantial economic burden for society. Increase in physical activity (PA), on the other hand, may compensate negative effects of ageing and reduce inactivity costs. However, not all exercise regimens are universally effective, and inter-individual differences in responses to PA exist. Therefore, there is an urgent need for creating “tailored” exercise programmes that will fit the specific needs of the various and diverse ageing populations.

The main aim of the COST Action PhysAgeNet is to establish a sustainable network that will foster evidence-based research and practice of physical activity in older adults and will enhance integration of innovative ICT solutions based on open data consolidated research information, in order to promote health and reduce the burden of inactivity in ageing populations.

A story of survivors

2022 | Action CA18201

COST Action ConservePlants tell us a story to raise society awareness about the need and the importance of conserving threatened plants. The focus is on the evolutionary history of some plants that have their origin in the Tertiary (several million years ago), and have been able to overcome the glacial periods that covered the northern hemisphere with ice, thanks to some adaptations that make them very peculiar and exclusive plants.

Introducing DE-PASS

2022 | Action CA19101

Identifying, understanding and measuring the factors/determinants which promote, maintain or inhibit Physical Activity Behaviours (PABs) across the lifespan and in different settings and translating this knowledge to assist policy-makers to achieve greater health impact. Discover more about COST Action DE-PASS

Connecting theory and practical issues of migration and religious diversity

2022 | Action CA20107

The main aim of COST Action COREnet is to fill the gaps and research needs in the field of religion and migration and to communicate new results and knowledge directly to public debate and the various fields of practice. COREnet is focused on creating a European platform for the critical exchange of research into migration and religious diversity between academia and practice all over Europe.

Super Heart Adventure

2022 | Action CA18216

An animation by COST Action VascAgeNet to educate children on how to keep your heart and arteries healthy.

Introducing ParAqua

2022 | Action CA20125

COST Action ParAqua, which stands for ‘Applications for zoosporic parasites in aquatic ecosystems’, will focus on the aspects related to principles for improvement of algal production efficiency, as for example strategies on ways of mitigating zoosporic parasites infection or how to deal with parasites in the use of industrial cultivation.

The Grapevine Genomics Encyclopedia (GRAPEDIA)

2022 | Action IG17111

GRAPEDIA is an innovative portal that will integrate knowledge, resources and services for the grape scientific community and industry. GRAPEDIA is a COST Innovators Grant initative stemming from the COST Action INTEGRAPE.

For parasites-free farm animals, with COST Action COMBAR


The COST Action ‘Combatting anthelmintic resistance in ruminants’ (COMBAR) has advanced research on the prevention of anthelmintic resistance in helminth parasites of ruminants in Europe, by disseminating current knowledge among all relevant stakeholders and gathering parasitologists, social scientists and agricultural economists. In this video, the Chair, Dr Johannes Charlier describes the main outcomes of the network’s four-year activities.

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