
Population Studies of Airborne Pathogens on Cereals as a Mean of Improving Strategies for Disease Control - Annual Report 1994

1995 | Action 817

Electronic Traffc Aids on Major Roads - Final Report Variable Message Signs Theme 1

1984 | Action 30bis

Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Software: Revised Selected Papers

2011 | Action IC0701

Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture

2001 | Action null

Examples of the European Expertise in the Computer Simulatoin of Solidification and Casting (2 copies)

1992 | Action 504

Media, technology and the migrant family: Media uses, appropriations and articulations in a culturally diverse Europe.

2013 | Action IS0906

Large Scale Infrastructures and Quality of Urban Shape -Annual Report

1997 | Action C2

Pesticides in Soil and the Environment - Abstracts

1996 | Action 66

Workshop on Doppler Weather Radar - Proceedings

1997 | Action 75

Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Software: Revised Selected Papers

2011 | Action IC0701

The International Conference on Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Software (FoVeOOS 2010) was organised by COST Action IC0701 but it went beyond the framework of this action. The conference was open to the whole scientific community. FoVeOOS aimed to foster collaboration and interaction among researchers in this area. This volume contains a selection of research papers and system descriptions presented at FoVeOOS 2010. Authors of the 23 papers presented at the conference were invited to submit improved versions, to be reviewed a second time. Twenty-one submissions were received, and the Program Committee selected 11 of them. Additionally, two of the invited speakers provided papers, which were reviewed by the Program Committee and included in this volume.

Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture

2001 | Action null
  • Pages: 68
  • ISBN/ISSN: 80-214-1892-3

Abstract booklet

Media, technology and the migrant family: Media uses, appropriations and articulations in a culturally diverse Europe.

2013 | Action IS0906

Research report of Working Group 4 Audience transformations and social integration, available online