
COST Action E37- Sustainability through New Technologies for Enhanced Wood Durability, Part 2

2005 | Action E37

Airborne Pathogens on Cereals

2000 | Action 817

Migration -Europe's Integration and the Labour Force Brain-drain - National Report Bulgaria

1996 | Action A2

A Wide Range of Areas (4 copies)

1995 | Action null

Biotechnology for Environmental Applications

2000 | Action null

Electronics and Traffic on Major Roads - International Seminar (FR Version Included)

1985 | Action 30

Recommendations for the Safety of People and Instruments in Ground-Penetrating Radar and Near-Surface Geophysical Prospecting

2015 | Action TU1208

Lanthanide Chemistry for Diagnosis and Therapy - Annual Workshop

2005 | Action D18

The Evolution of Rules for a Single European Market - Part II Rules, Democracy and the Environment

1995 | Action A7

COST Action E37- Sustainability through New Technologies for Enhanced Wood Durability, Part 2

2005 | Action E37

Proceedings of the workshp in Reinbek, Germany, November 8-9 2004, “Managing the Environmental Risk”.

Recommendations for the Safety of People and Instruments in Ground-Penetrating Radar and Near-Surface Geophysical Prospecting

2015 | Action TU1208
  • Pages: 68
  • Author(s): R. Persico (Italy), A. Provenzano (Italy), C. Trela (Germany), M. Sato (Japan), K. Takahashi (Japan), S. Arcone (USA), S. Koppenjan (USA), L. G. Stolarczyk (USA), E. C. Utsi (United Kingdom), S. Ebihara (Japan), K. Wada (Japan), E. Pettinelli (Italy) and L. Pajewski (Italy)
  • Publisher(s): EAGE Publications bv
  • ISBN/ISSN: 978-94-62-82162-0

This book offers an in-depth overview on the risks associated to Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Near-Surface Geophysical Prospecting, providing the reader with practical recommendations for the safety of people and instruments.

Lanthanide Chemistry for Diagnosis and Therapy - Annual Workshop

2005 | Action D18
  • Pages: 50 pages
  • Author(s): D. Parker, C. F.G.C. Geraldes, S. Aime, F. Roesh

Abstracts of COST D18 Annual Workshop on “Lanthanide Chemistry for Diagnosis and Therapy”, which took place in Cologne, Germany on 6-7 September 2005.