September 16, 2024 09:00 - September 18, 2024 17:00
The main goal of this training school organised by the BeSafeBeeHoney COST Action will be the creation and transfer of key knowledge on risk assessment procedures in the honey value chain. The trainees will gain knowledge and practical skills in analytical tools for determination of contaminants in complex matrices, since sample preparation techniques to LC-MS detection, and how to concept, design, implement and assess the risk of human exposure to such contaminants. As outputs, it is expected to promote a scale-up career development and the idea of interdisciplinary research when it comes to joining honey and by-products production, their nutritional and medicinal properties in correlation with the main threats that honeybee colonies are facing and might be in the near future along with the impact that those situations can create in agro-systems.
The program includes three days of practical exercises and lectures. The detailed program will be provided to registered participants in due time.
Date: 16th to 18th of September of 2024
City: Belgrade, Serbia
Venue: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Belgrade
Deadline for applications:
22nd July, 2024
How to apply?
Each applicant will need to provide a motivation letter, updated CV and, if relevant, document confirming student status uploaded to the registration form. You should apply to the TS through the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdP0Lc-ThrNyaaKtz38xllI-HwcF4Q8ZCStBnzzP6vfdRBeXw/viewform?usp=sf_link
Contact: besafebeehoney@gmail.com (E-mail subject: BeSafeBeeHoney Training School 2024, on behalf of the Grant Award Coordinator Jelena Ciric)