Conference dates
June 30, 2025 09:00 - July 4, 2025 17:00

How does the potential of religious beliefs to counter or contribute to economic, political, and social polarization play out?
How might sociological research illuminate the contributions of conflictual and peaceful aspects of religions to geopolitical crises?
How do political conflicts, social polarizations, and religious responses change existing religion, politics, and state relations and their interpretations?
How do they change the public perception of religion, religious identity, and individual religiosity?
The COST Action COREnet and the International Society for the Sociology of Religion and Vytautas Magnus University V. Kavolis Transdisciplinary Research Institute invite interested experts to submit session and paper proposals following, but not limited to, the raised questions.
Join this conference for lively days of academic discussions in Kaunas, Lithuania.
Call for papers: 14 October – 9 December 2024.
Contact: Science Communication Coordinator: Dr Gintare Pocė, gintare.poce@vdu.lt
More information: https://corenetcost.eu/news/issr-and-corenet-conference-on-religion-migration-and-conflicts-in-polarized-societies/