
Introducing CLIL NetLE

2024 | Action CA21114

Meet CLIL NetLE, an Action uniting researchers and teacher educators from across Europe and international partners in Canada and Hong Kong with a view towards developing a common research agenda on bi/multilingual disciplinary literacies in CLIL (teaching of non-language subjects through a foreign language).

How ENOTTA helps revolutionize the treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases using Antibodies!

2023 | Action CA21147

The COST Action ENOTTA focuses on individualized treatment optimization using patient stratification tools and therapeutic drug monitoring. This approach allows us to tailor treatments to each patient’s unique needs and drug concentrations, ultimately improving patient care and cost-effectiveness.

Marine Functional Connectivity: why and how to study it?

2023 | Action CA19107

This video by Sea-Unicorn COST Action explains the importance of marine biodiversity and its movements for the functioning of ecosystems, both at sea and at the sea-continent interface. It explains how this connectivity is described by scientists and why it is essential to take it into account when managing the marine environment and resources.

SHIINE Training School in Novi Sad, July 2023

2023 | Action CA18236

In July 2023, the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education from Serbia, hosted the second COST Action 18236 Training School. This event aimed to find answers on how to teach at higher education institutions (HEI) about solving societal problems, and how best to educate and prepare graduates for the fresh challenges of the 21st century.

Interdisciplinary Summer School on forest ecosystems


COST Actions 3DForEcoTech, PROCLIAS & BottomsUp tell the story of their interdisciplinary Summer School on forest ecosystems. A perfect demonstration of how COST Actions support young researchers & build bridges between those in different (but similar) fields.

COST Action COREnet Narrative Cafés - Understanding Migration Stories

2023 | Action CA20107

COREnet Narrative Café took place across three cities, using focus groups to explore refugees religious and secular migration narratives.

New COST Actions begin - are you up for the challenge?


Want to know more about what goes on behind the scenes at the COST Association, where up to 70 new research networks, called COST Actions, are launched every year? In this video we take a look at the first COST Management Committee meeting of a new COST Action, which take place in Brussels between September and November.

Discover the diverse and innovative nature of COST Actions. Meet the real people who drive innovation in COST. Discover why being part of a COST network is a must for any researcher or innovator.

Through interviews and spontaneous moments, we introduce you to the personalities behind some of our networks, from newly appointed Action Chairs to COST staff. We want you to feel the inclusive and fun spirit that defines our COST Actions.

Medicanes: The Mediterranean tropical-like cyclones

2023 | Action CA19109

European network for Mediterranean cyclones in weather and climate (MEDCYCLONES) explain all about Medicanes, tropical-like cyclones that take place in the Mediterranean.

Vascular Ageing for Clinicians

2023 | Action CA18216

VascAgeNet explain how vascular age can help clinicians to more accurately assess a patients cardiovascular risk over and above traditional risk factors.