Connecting the dots for sustainable urban mobility


Over 70 % of the EU population lives in an urban area and almost one 1 in 5 citizens live in one of Europe’s 20 biggest cities. Their quality of life depends on efficient urban solutions.

The COST Connect workshop “How to Shape Sustainable urban Mobility for All?” will see participants present and compare successful case studies, while proposing ideas that could help tackle existing challenges.

Organize your information: remember the lesson plan, lesson structure, titles, parts and sub-parts, so that you can more easily find an element in this set. Find labels, clues, mnemonics to remember long or more difficult passages. (for example, small choruses, “Where is Ornicar?”, etc.) Practice doing “return” several times the information to consciousness after the recording is finished: recite, be questioned, ask questions, practice remembering, and as many times as possible to consolidate the “memory trace” in the brain. To help you better understand your memory mechanisms, identify your types of memory, we offer this little guide right here: it offers tests, quizzes, exercises to help you discover your memory and muscle. Do not say “I have no memory”, but take the necessary means to exercise it!

Sixteen COST-funded networks will be sharing their expertise with funding bodies and policy-makers on topics such as renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure, data collection, business models, urban planning, autonomous vehicles, transport infrastructure, safety and accessibility.

Some of the challenges these networks have already identified relate to:

  • introducing zero emission vehicles
  • having a passenger-centric approach
  • improving transport data availability and usage
  • promoting the use of various means of transport (multi-modalmobility services) and addressing their social impact

The two-day event is also an opportunity for participants to come up with new ideas to address these issues. The interactive discussions will also touch on coordinating EU-funded projects with other running initiatives and, most importantly, reducing the number of fragmented research activities across Europe.

COST Connectevents are thematic workshops organised by the COST Association. They provide an open space for researchers, policy makers and research and innovation stakeholders to network and develop their ideas. These events bring together a broad set of actors from the European research Area and beyond, with the aim to encourage and strengthen partnerships.

Download the event programme and join in the conversation on Twitter #COSTconnect