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Found 252 action(s)
Universality, diversity and idiosyncrasy in language technology (UniDive)
Enhancing Small-Medium IsLands resilience by securing the sustainability of Ecosystem Services (SMILES)
What are Opinions? Integrating Theory and Methods for Automatically Analyzing Opinionated Communication (OPINION)
A new ecosystem of early music studies (EarlyMuse)
The role of IMMUnity in tackling PARKinson’s disease through a Translational NETwork (IMMUPARKNET)
Information, Coding, and Biological Function: the Dynamics of Life (DYNALIFE)
Towards zer0 Pesticide AGRIculture : European Network for sustainability (T0P-AGRI-Network)
Iron-sulphur (FeS) clusters: from chemistry to immunology (FeSImmChemNet)
A European forum for revitalisation of marginalised mountain areas (MARGISTAR)
Improving outcome of Juvenile Inflammatory Rheumatism via universally applicable clinical practice strategies (JIR-CliPS)