46% of the approved proposals are interdisciplinary (they indicated their research topic coveredResearch Fields from at least two OECD fields of science and technology ), 6% are strongly interdisciplinary (they indicated their research topic coveredResearch Fields from three or more OECD fields of science and technology ).
Quick facts and figures:
- The extent to which each of the OECD Science Fields were covered in the Research Areas in the approved proposals was natural sciences (28%), medical and health sciences (19%), engineering and technology (19%), agricultural sciences (8%) and social sciences (21%) and humanities (6%).
- In total there were 1437 proposers in the 35 approved proposals; 27% were affiliated with an institution in an Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC), 26% were Early Career Investigators (ECI) and 39% were female.
- Of 35 main proposers 14% were affiliated with an institution in an ITC, 18% were ECIs and 26% were female.
- 69% of the approved proposals included participants from industry/SME.
- 43% of the approved proposals included participants from Near Neighbour Countries (NNC).
- 69%of the approved proposals included participants from International Partner Countries (IPC).
- 26% of the approved proposals included participants from International Organisations (IO).
A detailed list of the 35 successful proposals is now available for download.