The new Vice-President, who also acts as Country Representative for Slovenia, has a strong history of involvement with the COST Association and programme.
MSc Tea Glažar has been elected as the Vice-President of the COST Association at the 207th Committee of Senior Officials meeting, held in Limassol, Cyprus on the 13 November 2019. MSc Glažar, replaces Annette Borchsenius, whose mandate ended on 13 April 2019. The appointment of Vice-President lasts for three years and is responsible for chairing the Executive Board, which oversees the activities of the COST Administration.
Photo – Above from left to right, Director of the COST Association, Dr Ronald de Bruin, COST Vice-President, MSc Tea Glažar and COST President, Prof. Paulo Ferrão
Following her appointment, Vice-President Tea Glažar stated, “I thank the Committee of Senior Officials for the trust and look forward to work as a Vice-President for the coming years. It is an honour to serve a programme which is crucial in the European research and innovation ecosystem”.
MSc Glažar is currently Secretary of the Science Division, Science Directorate at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport in Ljubljana, where she acts, amongst other roles, as the Slovenian representative to the COST Committee of Senior Officials, as well as Delegate of the Republic of Slovenia to the CERN Financial Committee and as adviser for Slovenia to the CERN Council. She has previously held a number of senior roles within the field of international cooperation and European affairs.