
Original Document

1986 | Action 72

Policy Implications of Virtual Work

2017 | Action IS1202

Glossaire de Genetique Moleculaire et Genie Genetique

1991 | Action null

Rapport Annuel 1993/1994/1995

1995 | Action null

Database, Monitoring and Modelling of Urban Air Pollution

1995 | Action 615

New Radiotracers and Methods of Quality Assurance for Nuclear Medicine Application - First Annual Report 1993-1994

1994 | Action B3

AIR- Agriculure, Agro-industry, Fisheries - Non-food Projects (Chemical, Bioenergy, Forestry)

1996 | Action null

Effects of antinutrients on the nutritional value of legume diets Vol 1

1996 | Action 98

Hydrogenases and their Biotechnological Applications - Annual Report

1997 | Action 818

Policy Implications of Virtual Work

2017 | Action IS1202

Digital technologies have changed the workplace and the way we work. COST Action IS1202 – “Dynamics of Virtual Work” has gathered a group of specialists from 30 European countries and many associated institutes in other parts of the world to discuss how the new forms of digital work should be reflected in labour policies across Europe and beyond.