Scientific Publications
COST CITAIR Newsletter
Road Weather Conditions
Optimising the Design and Operation of Biological Wastewater Treatment Plants through the Use of Computer Programmes Based on a Dynamic Modelling of Process - Report 1992-95
Crop Development for the Cool and Wet Regions of Europe - Proceedings of the Process Meeting of the Working Group on Overwintering and Spring Growth of White Clover
Integrated rResearch in Berries - Nutrition and Soilless Culture
Composite Steel-concrete Joints inbraced Frames for Buildings
Evaluation Technique et Economique des Programmes Nationaux de Trollybus Bi-mode - Rapport Final
Actions: Progress Reports - Forests, their Products and Services
- Pages: 105
COST Domain Committee on Forests, their Products and Services, status of the running Actions as of 15 May 2006.
Rural societies and environments at risk - Ecology, property rights and social organisation in fragile areas (Middle Ages-Twentieth century)
- Pages: 329
- Author(s): Van Bavel, B., Thoen, E. (eds.)
- Publisher(s): Brepols
This book discusses the relationship between ecology and rural society in fragile environments from the Middle Ages until the 20th century, and questions how societies organised land use by property rights.