Scientific Publications

Guidelines for Experimental Design and Data Analysis in Studies on Cheese

Aquatic Primary Biomass-marine Macroalgaea - Summary of 1993 Activities

Post-harvest Treatment of Fruit and Vegetables

COST CITAIR Newsletter

Road Weather Conditions

Crop Development for the Cool and Wet Regions of Europe - Proceedings of the Process Meeting of the Working Group on Overwintering and Spring Growth of White Clover

Optimising the Design and Operation of Biological Wastewater Treatment Plants through the Use of Computer Programmes Based on a Dynamic Modelling of Process - Report 1992-95

Integrated rResearch in Berries - Nutrition and Soilless Culture

Model Evaluation Guidance and Protocol Document
- Pages: 28
- Author(s): R. Britter and M. Schatzmann
- ISBN/ISSN: 3-00-018312-4
The main objective of COST Action 732 is the determination and improvement of model quality for the application of micro-scale meteorological models to the prediction of flow and dispersion (dispersion= transport plus diffusion) processes in urban and industrial environments.