Scientific Publications

Interaction of Food Matrix with Small Ligands Influencing Flavour and Texture Vol 2

Science for the Millennium

Plant Regeneration via Suspension Culture Systems- Workshop on Somatic Embryogenesis, Artificial Seeds and Bioreactors

Diseases and Disorders in Forest Nurseries - Activity Report 1992

Conference on Carbon Acquisition in Marine Macroalgae

Conference on the Population Approach: Measuring and Managing Variability in Response, Concentration and Dose - Preliminary Programme

Shore Based Maritime Navigation Aides Systems - Annual Report

COST Action 854: Protozoal Reproduction Losses in Farm Ruminants - Annual Meeting
- Pages: 73 pages
- Author(s): Franz J. Conraths
- Publisher(s): Paper & Tinta
- ISBN/ISSN: 0043-5163
Proceedings of the COST Action 854 Annual Meeting on “Protozoals Reproduction Losses in Farm Ruminants & of the Conference on “Neospora and Neosporosis: Achievements and Perspectives”, which took place in Warsaw, Poland on 29 August – 2 September 2005.

European Consensus Document on OSA and Hypertension
- Author(s): G. Parati, C.Lombardi, J. Hedner, M.R. Bonsignore, L. Grote, R. Tkacova, P. Levy, R. Riha, C. Bassetti, M. Siccoli, K. Narkiewicz, V. Somers, G. Mancia and W. McNicholas
- Publisher(s): Momento Medico
- ISBN/ISSN: 88-8160-214-8
Consensus document on the management of patients with obstructive sleep apnea and hypertension. Joint recommendations by The European COST Action B26, The European Society of Hypertension and The European Respiratory Society.