Contribute to The European Atlas of Soil Fauna

  • There is no date limit to submit contributions
    December 31, 2023 23:55 - December 31, 2023 23:55

Help put soil animals on the map!
Support conservation of soil biodiversity!

This call is based on work from EUdaphobase, the European Soil-Biology Data Warehouse for Soil Protection. This COST Action aims to create the structures and procedures necessary for developing an open Europe-wide soil biodiversity data infrastructure. European authorities and stakeholders urgently need reliable tools for monitoring and evaluating the environmental condition of soils within policy assessment in context of numerous EU directives. The ultimate goal of EUdaphobase is to establish a pan- European soil-biological data and knowledge warehouse, which can be used for understanding, protecting and sustainably managing soils, their biodiversity and functions.

The European Atlas of Soil Fauna

Soil biodiversity, and particularly soil fauna, drives essential soil functions leading to crucial ecosystem services. Many research activities have produced data, which are widely dispersed and not easily available. Their re-usability is limited.
The Atlas aims to collate a maximum of available data on soil fauna (micro-, meso- and macrofauna) from the European territory to create the first comprehensive European Atlas of Soil Fauna.

Data mobilisation is a vibrant collaborative effort

Data owners become co-creators of the Atlas by contributing their soil fauna data to an overall European data set. The data set will be used to produce information and maps on soil fauna distribution and diversity across Europe, to support research, policy, education, conservation and monitoring activities. The Atlas will be published in open access (e.g., CC-BY license), with the option of an online version for future updates. There is, however, a strong committment to respecting and acknowledging the intellectual property rights of all data owners.

Follow these steps to become a co-creator of the Atlas initiative

The Atlas questionnaire gathers information on potential data providers.
Upon agreeing to provide data for the Atlas, you will receive via e-mail a data template and instructions. You have to fill out the template and send it back within 2 months.
Your data will be reviewed and used for analysis and the creation of the Atlas maps. Upon consent, your data can also be uploaded to the Edaphobase data warehouse.
The data set collection will allow the presentation of the current state of soil fauna distribution and its relationship to land use, soil characteristics and climate.

Download the flyer (.pdf)

Read the detailed call for collaboration in

Read the post 'Towards creating the first European Atlas of Soil Fauna' on the Action's website (08/06/2022)

European Soil-Biology Data Warehouse for Soil Protection EUdaphobase

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