Optimal care models for older adults: bridging community care and Geriatric Medicine

  • Krakow, Poland
    January 23, 2025 08:30 - January 24, 2025 14:00

The COST Action PROmoting GeRiAtric Medicine in countries where it is still eMergING stands with the mission to shape the content of educational and training programs in Geriatric Medicine for healthcare professionals in diverse clinical environments, particularly in countries where the field is still developing. To meet these objectives, the project takes into account the needs and resources of stakeholders, the flexibility required for local adaptation, and the practical feasibility of implementing models of care in Geriatric Medicine.

Their semi-annual conference is being organised around the topic of the WHO’s ICOPE as a template for comprehensive care for older adults at the crossroad between general practice and geriatrics. Through the invited lectures, workshops and round table discussions, but first and foremost through the interaction between the attendees and the faculty, the conference will help building the factual knowledge and the attitude that the participants would then carry to their communities and places where they practice medicine.

The conference will be held on January 23 and 24, 2025 at the at the Uniwersytet Jagielloński Collegium Medicum, ul. Św. Anny 12, 31-008 Krakow, Poland (geolocation: 50.06225102719609, 19.933997006981286).

Attendance is free of charge and possible in person and online.
Pre-registration for online attendance is required: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rdO-hqTIjEtKG6gQE-o9mYZC3v_BbquEm
Further details about the content and how to register for onsite attendance can be found on the programme document, available on cost-programming.eu/news/optimal-care-models-for-older-adults-bridging-community-care-andgeriatric-medicine

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