EUFLYNET calls for STSMs, ITC Conference Grants and Dissemination Conference Grants

EUFLYNET – A European flyway research network for the effective conservation of migrant landbirds has open a new call for Short-Term Scientific Missions, ITC Conference Grants and Dissemination Conference Grants.

Application deadline: 15 January 2025
Decision and notification: 31 January 2025
Further details: Marta Acácio –

Call for STSM Grants
These grants aim to improve collaboration and knowledge exchange within the Action goals.
The mission must take place and be finished before 15 September 2025.

Call for ITC Conference Grants
These grants aim to support an early-career researcher to attend an international (in-person) meeting, improving the grantee’s network and knowledge, and contributing to increase the visibility of the grantee and of the COST Action.
The conference must take place before 15 September 2025.

Call for Dissemination Conference Grants
These grants aim to support an Action member to attend an (in-person) international meeting to disseminate the Action’s work and improve the visibility of the grantee and of the COST Action.
The conference must take place before 15 September 2025.