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Found 252 action(s)
A pan-European network of Ocean Tribology (OTC)
Genetic Nature Observation and Action (GENOA)
Utilizing 10,000 genomes of European Lepidoptera (10kLepGenomes)
SENESCENCE2030: Targeting Cell Senescence to Prevent Age-Related Diseases (SENESCENCE2030)
Magnetism and chirality: twisting spins, light, and lattices for faster-than-ever spintronics (CHIROMAG)
Searching for Nanostructured or pOre fOrming Peptides for therapY (SNOOPY)
Language Plurality in Europe’s Changing Media Sphere (PLURILINGMEDIA)
Architectural and Urban Ambiances of European Cities (CitySenZ)
Network for Evidence Synthesis in The Agri-Food Sector (EU-NESA)
Artistic Intelligence - Responsiveness, accessibility, responsibility, equity (ARTinRARE)