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Found 252 action(s)
EUropean network to tackle METAbolic alterations in HEART failure (EU-METAHEART)
A European Network to Leverage the Multi-Age Workforce (LeverAge)
european Network on Extreme fiRe behaviOr (NERO)
An international network for Non-linear Extreme Ultraviolet to hard X-ray techniques (NEXT)
Harnessing the potential of underutilized crops to promote sustainable food production (DIVERSICROP)
Beneficial root-associated microorganisms for sustainable agriculture (ROOT-BENEFIT)
Supramolecular LUminescent Chemosensors for Environmental Security (LUCES)
Research Network for Interdisciplinary Studies of Transhistorical Deliberative Democracy (CHANGECODE)
A European flyway research network for the effective conservation of migrant landbirds (EUFLYNET)
Medicinal plants for animal health care: Translating tradition into modern veterinary medicine (MedPlants4Vet)