The main objective is to increase understanding of state and potential of forest mitigation and adaptation to climate change in a polluted environment, and to reconcile process-oriented research, long-term monitoring and applied modelling at comprehensive forest research sites. Forests are expected to face significant pressures from climate change and air pollution. The COST Strategic Workshop “Forest Ecosystems in a Changing Environment: Identifying Future Monitoring and Research Needs”, held in Istanbul in 2008, recommended more integration between approaches and themes in order to assess the risks for European forests. This Action creates a platform of experts from different fields, with the following main objectives: 1) to increase understanding of state and potential of forest mitigation and adaptation to climate change in a polluted environment; and 2) to reconcile process-oriented research, long-term monitoring and applied modelling at comprehensive forest research sites (Supersites III). Present forest monitoring in Europe is carried out at Level I and II plots by the ICP Forests programme on behalf of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Supersites of Level III were proposed in Istanbul, with the main aim of integrating soil, plant and atmospheric sciences and monitoring, and providing policy-oriented modelling with scientifically sound indicators of pollution and climate-related risks.
Changes of climatic factors - pollutants and greenhouse gases at forest sites -
Impacts of climate and pollution changes on carbon sequestration - water and nutrient cycles - responses to nitrogen deposition and ozone exposure of forests -
Integrated research