The translation of novel discoveries from basic research to clinical application is a long, often inefficient and costly process. Consequently, “Translational Medicine” has become a top priority. Appropriate animal models are critical for the success of translational research. The choice of species will always depend on the specific problem that a research study aims to address. Although rodent models are widely used, they often fail to provide an accurate representation of the human disease. Thus, there is an urgent need for non-rodent animal models that mimic aspects of human anatomy and physiology more closely. Pigs, small ruminants and rabbits are excellent candidates. This Action will (i) share information and technology for the development of tailored large animal models; (ii) develop criteria for selection of the species most suitable as a model for the question under investigation; (iii) establish and validate standardized phenotyping protocols; (iv) create a database of existing models, tissue samples, and validated phenotypic assays; and (v) develop and communicate concepts for the scientific and ethical evaluation of experiments with large animals, including involvement of the regulatory authorities. In fostering translational research in Europe the Action supports the objectives of the Amsterdam Treaty.
Large animal model - Genetic engineering - Phenotyping - Standardisation - Biobank