COST is an intergovernmental framework consisting of 41 Full Members, 1 Cooperating Member and 1 Partner Member. The 41 COST Full Member countries govern COST via their representatives in the COST Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) – the General Assembly of the COST Association.
This allows researchers from these countries to embark upon networking opportunities by participating in science and technology networks called COST Actions.
Choose a country in the list below for an overview of the Country National Coordinators (CNC), Action participation and Action Chairs for each Member. A full list of all CSO delegates is available here.
COST Full Members
The 41 COST Full Members are: Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, The Netherlands, The Republic of North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, and United Kingdom.
COST Cooperating Member
Israel is a Cooperating Member. A Cooperating Member implies non-voting rights in the COST CSO. However, researchers from COST’s Cooperating Member enjoy member rights in COST Action participation.
COST Partner Member
South Africa is a Partner Member of COST. A Partner Member implies no rights to attend the COST CSO. However, researchers from COST’s Partner Members enjoy observer rights in COST Action participation.
CNC Members
Netherlands Enterprise Agency (
P.O. Box 93144 2509 AC The Hague
Facts & figures of the Netherlands’s participation in 2023
Individual participation in all Action activities
Participation by gender
Participation by age
31/10/2024 - 30/10/2028Effective Lake management: reducing cyanobacteria by actions in the catchment (CYANOACTION)
29/10/2024 - 28/10/2028Climate change impacts on mental health in Europe (CliMent)
23/10/2024 - 22/10/2028Port City Territories in Action: A collaborative Laboratory for Inclusive Energy Transition (PACT)
22/10/2024 - 21/10/2028Magnetic Particle Imaging for next-generation theranostics and medical research (NexMPI)
16/10/2024 - 15/10/2028Open Palaeoecological Data - analysing the past building foresight (PalaeOpen)
14/10/2024 - 13/10/2028Group on Insect Nutrition: To Open Nutritional Innovative Challenges (GIN-TONIC)
08/10/2024 - 07/10/2028Futures-oriented Governance of Outer Space: Towards Peace, Equity, and Environmental Integrity (FOGOS)
02/10/2024 - 01/10/2028Magnetism and chirality: twisting spins, light, and lattices for faster-than-ever spintronics (CHIROMAG)
19/09/2024 - 18/09/2028Participation through Prayer in the Late Medieval and Early Modern World (PRAYTICIPATE)
26/10/2023 - 25/10/2027Radionuclide theragnostics for personalised medicine (RATIONALE)
31/10/2024 - 30/10/2028Life, liberty and health: ensuring universal protection of human rights at sea (BlueRights)
31/10/2024 - 30/10/2028Effective Lake management: reducing cyanobacteria by actions in the catchment (CYANOACTION)
30/10/2024 - 29/10/2028European vascular liver diseases network (EURO-VALDI-NET)
29/10/2024 - 28/10/2028Climate change impacts on mental health in Europe (CliMent)
28/10/2024 - 27/10/2028European Network for Multiple View Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (MultiViewLCSA)
28/10/2024 - 27/10/2028Connecting Landscape Architecture Archives to enhance European landscape practice, research and education (ConnectLAA)
25/10/2024 - 31/10/2025Microbial Electrochemical Technology Commercialisation (MET-C)
25/10/2024 - 31/10/2025Building a Heritage-Based Knowledge Hub to Empower the Green Transition in Textiles and Fashion (HERITEX-HUB)
25/10/2024 - 31/10/2025Artificial intelligence methods for spectral data processing to solve food fraud and authenticity issues (SensAIfood)
25/10/2024 - 24/10/2028Mainstreaming water reuse into the circular economy paradigm (Water4Reuse)